A NSW Government website
SCHN Policies
To outline the procedure for administration of Technetium-Ceretech (SPECT) on the Neurology Ward by an accredited Registered Nurse for patients with intractable seizures.
Assist clinicians to introduce new interventional procedures by providing a standard process for the assessment and approval of such procedures. The intention is that patients, clinicians and managers will be confident that any interventional procedure that is introduced is supported by evidence of efficacy, safety and effective resource utilisation, and can be safely performed given the available resources.
Support safe prescribing for Medical Officers
Transportation of patients outside of the PICU is a hazardous time for patient safety. It requires appropriately trained staff with essential equipment & knowledge of the patient and transportation systems along with careful planning and communication within the team to allow for minimal risk and maximum safety for the patient during transport. This practice guideline outlines the key points and processes for safe transport of PICU patients within CHW.
This Guideline provides procedural guidance on the safe use of sensory equipment and sensory rooms at the Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick + Westmead. It will provide information on cleaning, storage, safe usage and maintenance of sensory equipment, as well as the therapeutic use of such equipment and sensory rooms.
To provide guidance and instruction on how to develop a safe work practice and responsibilities with regard to safe work practices
To provide guidance to staff for the safety and well being of paediatric patients in SCHN hospitals.
To provide clear instructions for WHS incident management documentation (via Iims+) and the requirements to notify SafeWork NSW
This document will be an update providing guidelines for the use of seclusion and restraint for young people in the mental health setting.
Standardised approach to emergency management of children presenting to emergency department with secondary haemorrhage after adenoid and tonsillectomy surgery. This will involve administration of haemostatic medication Tranexamic acid, antibiotics and observation in the hospital. The guideline will provide specific advice to be handed out to patients and families, guidance for acute management for junior medical officers and standardized approach for inpatient management.
To provide a detailed process should an emergency arise which requires a total or partial lockdown of the Hospital
Guideline to terminate seizures in children rapidly, efficiently and safely.
- To facilitate the safe and effective management of children experiencing seizures. - To facilitate the effective management of status epilepticus. - To facilitate the safe and effective administration of acute antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). - To guide staff and enable them to assist the parent/carer in seizure management education, and adequately prepare families for discharge from hospital
To outline the pre and post operative management of a child with cerebral palsy undergoing single level selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) procedure at CHW
• Understand the procedure for when employees are separating from Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN). • Ensure employees and managers are aware of the documentation required, notice periods, and responsibilities when facilitating the separation of an employee from SCHN. • Aware of the various types of ‘separation’ and associated NSW Health Policies.
Management of a patient with a servere traumatic head injury.
To assist in the placement and care of children with shingles and minimise the risk of exposure to non-immune patients, visitors and personnel.
• Provide managers and employees with information about sick leave entitlements. • Provide managers and employees with the process for managing unsatisfactory sick leave. • Provide managers with sick leave management procedures to be applied consistently, fairly and in a supportive way to all employees. • Provide templates to support managers when managing unsatisfactory sick leave. • This document should be read in conjunction with the NSW Health Policy Directive PD2018_036 Leave Matters for the NSW Health Service and relevant industrial instruments and legislation.
To advise nursing staff of the medications that may be administered and checked by a single nurse
To educate staff on the effective use of the ward sleep trolley. To provide staff with a resource for problem solving.
Define admission, discharge and operation of the SCH sleep unit.
To provide clinicians with specific guidance for caring for infants less than 1000g
To implement the NSW Health Department Smoke Free Workplace Policy, limit exposure to staff, visitors and patients and promote the Hospitals as being smoke-free facilities.
To provide clinical practice information and guidance on providing smoking cessation interventions in the healthcare setting
The purpose of this document is to outline recommendations for prophylaxis against Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in children with a history of snail or slug ingestion.
To provide guidance in the use of social media platforms
To provide information about the OnCall service provided by the Social Work Department including the criteria for call backs.
Presents basic clinical practice guidelines for the acute management of a sore throat.
A guideline for speciality anaesthetics and the equipment that is needed
Inform staff of correct specimen delivery techniques and management of formalin spills.
To guide physicians in the appropriate management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax
To guide physiotherapists in the procedure to follow to collect induced sputum samples for suspected TB.
To assist managers in the maintenance of the staff establishment for the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN) and to outline the required approval process to alter a department’s staffing profile in accordance with the processes, business guidelines and decision points for different scenarios
Allocation of staff parking
Guide clinicians in the appropriate use of developmental assessments
To provide a procedure for the safe storage, handling and transportation of medical gases
The purpose of this document is to enable Clinicians in all areas of both hospitals to have a clear and succinct process to enable swift action in escalation and treatment processes for the child that is suffering from an acute Stroke that ensures the best possible health outcomes for the child. Currently within the network there is a published guideline for this process within the Emergency Department that encompasses both campuses but there is no network wide policy that encompasses best practice for the child irrespective of location.
To provide an overview of the governance and processes for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking a clinical placement within an SCHN facility. This policy reflects the local implementation of the Clinical Placements in NSW Health PD 2022_049
This document provides definitions of legal words and phrases, outlines legal processes and proceedings that can involve the Hospital, explains what staff should do when faced with a Summons, a Subpoena or a Statement of Claim, explains Indemnity, and outlines support and counselling mechanisms for staff who become involved in legal proceedings.
Oral administration of sucrose is a safe and effective form of analgesia for single event, short duration procedures. This document provides practice guidelines for sucrose administration.
To provide guidelines for the oral and nasopharyngeal suctioning of a child in the home setting.
To outline the support available to staff who are carers
This document will provide a framework for considering fundraising requests and initiatives of other charities within the Hospital. This will enable staff assess the appropriateness of supporting other charities in their department or area of work and also the appropriate level of support.
For clinicians to use as an education tool with families whose children have newly inserted supra-pubic catheters to inform them about the ongoing care needs related to the care of the supra-pubic catheter, and instructions on how to correctly replace the catheters.
To define the correct procedure so that a SPA can be performed safely in infants less than age 2 years.
To streamline management of foreign body and button battery ingestion in the SCHN.
Procedure to confirm the diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis