A NSW Government website
SCHN Policies
Outlines the admission criteria to Wade Wade Adolescent Unit at The Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW).
To give guidance on prescribing warfarin and its administration.
Policy on Waste Management through the reduction of waste, recycling, safe handling and environmental sound practice.
To provide policy and processes for authroisation of SCHN owned web pages and the review of web pages plus associated responsibilities.
New policy is required to reflect NSW Government changes digital, brand and cyber security.
The Purpose of this document is to have consistent and clear guidance accross SCHN for the process and criteria for admission to HITH service for patients requiring wet dressings for dermatological conditions, HITH treatment Plan, wet dressing Equipment and procedure, education tools required to aid and support parents and development of an exclusion criteria
To ensure compliance with WHS Legislation and give procedural guidance for Contractors
To ensure that all are aware of the need for workplace inspections and the procedure related to WHS workplace inspections
To identify those areas that require maintenance services at an acknowledged height as per Australian Standards that work can be carried out as a safe work practice.
Guidelines on the effective wound assessment and management at SCHN.
Clinical guideline to describe a buckle and other types of wrist fractures and the appropriate ED managment including indications for the application of splints.