The complex pain service at CHW has commenced a day program for adolescents with persisting pain. The guideline defines the program, including the aim of the program, staffing, numbers, location, inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Provide guidance to clinical staff in utilisation of targeted temperature control as a clinical management strategy
Taurolock is a medication that is being used to instill within the dead space of a central venous catheter when locking the device post cares. It is a medication to maintain line patency by reducing CVAD-related infections and occlusion. Nurse will be allowed to initiate the medication and instill and sign off on the Electronic Medical Record and notification will be sent the medical officer and signs off on the order.
To facilitate staff in caring for newborns with HIE in providing therapeutic and safe hypothermia
To guide practice for neonatal care in Grace Centre for Newborn Care
To provide a governance framework for Third Party individuals/organisiations accessing Hospitals in SCHN and therefore patients and families. The framework includes approval processes and conduct expectations.
Outline the approach to tick removal in the Emergency Department
This document provides an operational outline of how tissue donation can be facilitated at SCHN
To provide guidelines for management of patients undergoing total pancreatectomy and islet autotranplantation procedures.
Reference for common and important presentations to hospital with paediatric poisoning and envenomation.
Current practice has changed for administering nebulised Hypertonic Saline via tracheostomy. Updated current information is required to advise staff of this.
To outline the principles of management of children with a new or existing tracheostomy for clinicians
Provides clinical management of a paediatric patient with a newly formed tracheostomy in the immediate postoperative period and ongoing care in CICU
To outline all aspects of transfer and transport of children within the SCHN
To provide guidelines to support staff in appropriate transfers of cardiac patients to other facilities which include:
Tasks to be completed prior to transfer, including the development of a checklist.
Criteria to identify safe mode of transfer and the level of care required.
Criteria of "Safe to Fly" and approval process
Outline of the documentation required to complete prior to transfer
To guide practice for using equipment and procedure for transferring infants out of Grace Centre for Newborn Care
To provide up to date guidelines on the current practice surrounding blood transfusion mangement as well as provide the legislative requirements set out by NSW Health.
To provide the framework to plan the transition of young people with a chronic condition into the adult health care system. In addition, this document will outline the purpose, function (including referrals, discharge, triage), models of care, key KPI's etc. of Trapeze as a transition service to decrease variation in the service and improve transparency in service function.
This document provides an overview of the policies and procedures for the participants of SCHN Transition to Professional Practice programs. The document provides guidelines for the standardised approaches for participants, Nurse Managers and Nurse Educators across the SCHN
To provide procedure and information for staff which assists them to produce high quality translations for the Network.
Guideline for the management of transposition of the great arteries with an intact septum in Neonates.
To expedite transfer of the critically injured and unstable child to operating theatres as quickly as possible
To expedite transfer of a moderate to severe acute traumatic intracranial injury to neuroimaging and possible emergency life-saving surgery.
To facilitate the appropriate ED responce for the child with traumatic injuries presenting to the emergency department.
To standardise and streamline the process of trauma admission to CHW and the process for transfer of care from trauma to sub-specialty teams.
Guidelines for the managment of severe traumatic brain injury.
To provide guidelines on management of traumatic brain injury patients in CICU. No current document exists at SCH.
To ensure a consistent approach to patients who present to emergency with a traumatic cardiac arrest
Guideline for the management of child with trauma presentation.
This document describes the process for the triage and transfer of patients between the Sydney Children’s Hospital (SCH) Emergency Department (ED) and the Prince of Wales Hospital (POW) ED.
To provide specific guidelines for management of infants with Pierre-Robin Sequence with TÜBINGEN PALATAL PLATE (TPP)
To manage the diabetic child during episodes of fasting and surgery without adverse events.