To guide practice when carrying out the rather infrequent process of initating Vacuum Assisted Venous Drainage.
Updates the guidelines for the use of vancomycin
To guide clinicians on the safe and effective use of vancomycin
To manage patients with VRE and prevent transmission within the hospital
This policy details measures required to minimise the acquisition and transmission of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)
Provide guidelines for safe care of vascath insertion, managment and removal.
To guide clinical staff for the management of vascular injuries resulting from trauma caused in hospital or out of hospital.
Use of Vasopressin in cases of septic shock
Safe administration and support the appropriate prescribing of venom immunotherapy at SCHN
venous thromboprophylaxis guidelines for the surgical service
To provide additional risk management for care of patients admitted for VideoEEG Telemetry who may be at increased risk of prolonged seizures due to withholding of AEDs or who have a known history of prolonged seizures.
Guidance to clinicians for Vitamin D therapy.
This Procedure defines the processes within SCHN for engaging, supporting and managing volunteers, maintaining compliance with NSW Health policy.