A NSW Government website
SCHN Policies
For staff to have the appropriate guidelines available when the need arises to use the external and internal defibrillators in the operating suite.
Procedure for testing safety showers
Guideline for the safe administration of Laceraine Topical Wound Anaesthetic in SCHN incorporating a new Gel formulation
clinical care guideline for ED staff
The post operative period following laryngotracheal reconstruction is a high risk period. The child will be cared for in intensive care with a critical airway. Clear communication and post operative instructions are essential to ensure children are managed safely. The purpose of this practice guideline is to provide a clear pathway and post operative instructions for these children in the 2 week post operative period in intensive care.
To ensure compliance with Work Health and Safety Legislation, Australian Standards, ACORN Standards and best practice.
The purpose of this document is to provide best practice guidance to SCHN clinicians who may care for a dying child or neonate.
To provide guidance for nursing and medical staff re management of leech therapy including the ordering, transport and storing and disposal of leeches, medical and nursing roles, standard clinical practices when managing the child requiring leech therapy.
To guide NETS teams in retrieving babies Left Heart Obstruction
To enable bookings of Group Study Rooms in the library in accordance with their purpose and also to meet grant funding requirements.
Policy and procedure for treating and admitting Patients who are participants of Lifetime Care and Support across the Network
How to get a person out of a lift that is broken down between floors.
The purpose of this document is to detail procedures for linen management for the network.
This document provides guidelines for anaesthesia and perioperative care for patients undergoing liver transplantation, along with background information and evidence to enhance understanding of the perioperative care of these patients.
Provide guidelines and advice for doctors, nurses and other health professionals caring for children who receive liver transplants
Provide information to Junior Medical staff on the management of a disaster situation affecting SCH.
Provide instructions in CICU for the safe and consistent techniques to prevent exacerbation of any existing spinal injury during essential patient movement.
For prompt administration of antihistamine during mild to moderate allergic reactions. .
Guide for clinical staff in skin integrity management following a trauma. This guideline was recommended by the division of surgery to improve practice and guide clinicians on the appropriate management of skin loss following a trauma in consultation with the burns and plastics team.
To provide a guideline for physiotherapists treating patients undergoing limb lengthening and deformity correction.
To facilitate the safe and effective care of a child undergoing a lumbar puncture and th facilitate the safe and effective collection of a CSF specimen.