To support and guide SCHN staff through the new procedure for developing and reviewing SCHN factsheets.
To assist staff in identifying children at high risks of falling and the use of the falls assessment tool
To provide a fasting guideline for children having general anaesthesia for elective or minor emergency surgery.
Guidelines for pre-procedure fasting in Type 1 Diabetic patients
To provide a guide to the complex feeding methods and techniques required for neonates to meet their developmental needs
Clinical Care Guideline for Emergency Staff
To identify patients with fever and petechiae who are clinically stable, presenting to the Emergency Dept who are well enough to receive intravenous antibiotic therapy at home in specific circumstances. These patients could be directly transferred from ED to HITH avoiding inpatient beds all together. Traditionally these patients have been admitted for 48 hours awaiting cultures.
Information to guide the management of febrile children in the Emergency Departments.
To provide staff, especially non-clinical staff, with first aider(s), access to first aid and equipment.
This document describes the procedures involved in the employment of temporary employees in accordance with the Health Industry Status of Employment's (State) Award. These procedures should avoid the situation of temporary employees working on expired contracts. Ensure a consistent approach to the management of temporary appointments
Policy document to establish the framework and process for considering and approving requests for flexible work practices
• Significant policy review to ensure alignment with best practice principles..
To ensure inpatients with IgE mediated food allergies are provided with a High Alert Meal.
Povide direction to staff and volunteers holding a food stall in a SCHN facility.
To provide management guidelines for children with upper and lower limb fractures
To standardise the process by which fractures are reduced in the CHW ED
To guide clinicians in the application of traction, including appropriate analgesia
The strategy communicates the Department's position of not tolerating any act of fraud or corruption and emphasises that fraud prevention and control is the responsibility of all staff.
For guidance and education purposed for nursing staff when caring for a child with a free flap. Nil guideline is currently exists within SCHN.
The free flap surgery is intricate microsurgery that requires strict post operative care to prevent failure of the flap.
Patients requiring this intervention will be infrequent and this type of surgery is required following a major traumatic accident.
The policy has been developed to ensure that the fund controllers have a clear understanding of their responsibilities in managing RFA funds. The policy promotes compliance with the Trustee Act, Accounts and Audit Determination and other relevant Ministry policies. The policy also sets out actions where RFA funds are not managed well or become idle or obsolete.