A NSW Government website
SCHN Policies
To guide staff on the management of Children undergoing day stay tonsillectomy. As this is a new model of care for SCH, the policy is required to educate staff and safely guide patient care.
Procedures outlining best practice care for patients having arthroscopic procedures as a day surgery at CHW. On discharge, the patient will be collaboratively cared for by the VirtualKIDS and HITH teams.
Network Death of a Child Procedure
To establish a consistent measurement of demand for SCHN services and outline the appropriate responses to changing service demands.
For prompt administration of antihistamine during mild to moderate allergic reactions. The inpatient state formulary has replaced Loratadine with Desloratadine.
Outlines the process of determination of neurological death in keeping with the "ANZICS STATEMENT ON DEATH AND ORGAN DONATION", Edition 4.1 (2021)
To provide a model of care for all newborn infants of any gestational age in a critical care setting (GCNIC, PICU, CICU and ESW)
Administration of dexmedetomidine in CICU
To inform medical and nursing staff re: the practice guidelines associated with monitoring blood glucose, blood ketones levels and administering insulin of an inpatient with type 1 diabetes
To inform and educate all nursing staff how to provide nursing care to inpatients with type 1 diabetes who deliver their insulin via a subcutaneous insulin pump
To provide guidelines for management of diabetes ketoacidosis of paediatric patients
To initiate the process of correcting metabolic derangements, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
Provide information on preparation and care of SCH patients attending POWH Nuclear Medicine Department for diagnostic procedures. 15/11/2019 document review to be linked to Network "Procedural Sedation" (Paediatric ward, clinics and imaging areas)
To outline SCHN processes in administering, reviewing and responding to psychosocial screening via the digital HEEADSSS (home environment, education/employment, eating, peer-related activities, drugs, sexuality, suicide/depression and safety) assessment tool, on a platform known as TickiT.
The purpose of this document is to streamline the discharge planning process for children with cardiac conditions, regardless of their discharging department, and to ensure consistency and early preparation as part of the Cardiac Care for Kids Regional and Remote Program. This document will highlight principles of discharge planning for this patient cohort, determine criteria for discharge, advise what preparation is required for the family, staff and local services. It will include information specifically for cardiac patients who are at high risk of deterioration in the community.
To provide a guide to the process for discharge and follow-up and care by the TNP
To outline the insertion and care of intercostal catheters
Appropriate medication dosing for obese children
• It is a mandatory requirement that all staff in the Emergency Department (ED) are provided with, and wear, a mobile duress pager when on duty. • Mobile duress pagers are provided by SCHN as personal protective equipment (PPE). • All staff working in the Emergency Department must be able to summon assistance when necessary. • SCHN ensures that the guiding principles outlined in the Policy Directive People and Property 2013 is complied with. • The procedure outlines the use of the mobile duress pager, training requirements, compliance monitoring, evaluation and auditing.