A NSW Government website
SCHN Policies
To guide the pre and post operative management of abdominal wall defects including gastroschisis and omphalocele.
Management of Accountable Medications
Procedure to guide the reporting of lost and stolen accountable medicines
To provide a written resource for local treating therapists to guide clinical management of babies with Achondroplasia and provide education for them on the specific management in infancy
To provide education regarding IVI aciclovir dosing in paediatric patients
To provide a guide and protocol for the investigation and management of children with acute liver failure in NSW and ensure clear criteria for mandatory transfer to a liver transplant centre.
This policy has been developed to direct the management of patients in the Acute Review Clinic (ARC).
This document provides a protocol for the evaluation and management of patients suspected of or at risk of having acute rhabdomyolysis, and should be used in consultation with the Genetic Metabolic Disorders Service, the Nephrology Department and ICU.
To ensure that children diagnosed with Acute Rheumatic Fever or Rheumatic Heart Disease: i) are linked with a trusted and consistent Primary Care Provider ii) receive education for themselves, their families, and their primary care providers ii) receive long term clinical monitoring and regular prophylaxis with the aim of preventing recurrence and progression of Rheumatic Heart Disease.
When patient's with severe intellectual disability are admitted to PICU their care is difficult to stream line. This document aims to provide staff with a process to follow to gain the right information to direct care in a way that minimises risk to the patient and to staff. Hopefully making the patient's stay less frightening.
This document is designed to assist in placing children with respiratory illnesses in general ward beds to minimise bed block in Emergency. Viral Respiratory illness predominately affects children <2years of age.
Provied guidelines around administering nebulsied antibiotics to patients in hospital, it covers patients on no assisted ventilation, with a trachy, on non invasive ventilation and closed circuit ventilation.
The Grace Centre fopr Newborn Care is part of the state wide perinatal services. This document details the admission criteria to GCNC.
To provide a guideline on how to admit an infant in terms of equipment, care and support for families
This document provides guidelines for Admission of Children and Adolescent requiring an acute mental health inpatient care. This document provides clarity around admission criteria etc The current review will provide minimal update in text
Process for a admission to CICU.
To provide the process for admission to the SCHN Hospital in the Home Service.
To assist medical and nursing staff in the recognition and management of adrenal crisis.
To provide guidance for dosing and monitoring of aminoglycosides
gentamicin dosing guidelines
To ensure appropriate procedures are performed in Anaesthetic Bay and Plaster Room at CHW
Practice guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis in patients within both the Emergency Department, on the wards and receiving care through CAPAC.
CHW facility document
To simplify the access to escalated anti-TNFα therapy by following the AGA and GESA Guidelines/algorithms. Update to provide guidance on ASUC
Facilitate appropriate antibiotic allergy assessment and follow up management.
Safe prescribing and administration of anticoagulants in VTE and prophylaxis of VTE
To provide guidance of dose adjustments of antibiotic in patients with renal impairment
This antimicrobial stewardship policy refers to the Antimicrobial Stewardship service at the Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick.
To guide the use of a novel device for allowing children with CVADs to participate in aquatic physiotherapy
To provide guidance regarding aquatic physiotherapy (hydrotherapy) procedures to staff delivering services
The purpose is to guide the practice of introducing aquatic physiotherapy as a treatment modality in a high risk population group, in patients with tracheostomies and/or Long Term ventilation (LTV).
To guide clinicians in the best practice for management and care of arterial catheters in neonates
Procedure for inserting an arterial lines, management of transducers and blood sampling.
To provide staff information on aseptic non touch technique principles .
Outlines processes agreed between NSW Ministry of Health and NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Community Services, when Assumption of Care by Community Services Officers occurs on health premises.
To provide a clear process for when an assumption of care of an Aboriginal child needs to take place.
Guideline for Medical and Nursing Staff on Management, Education and Discharge for children with Acute Asthma
To provide guideline to stretch salbutamol for the child with asthma
To guide the use of aEEG monitoring in GCNIC