A NSW Government website
SCHN Policies
The radioisotope required for 18F-DOPA PET scans is now able to be generated on site at SCH. Therefore, infants within NSW suspected of having focal congenital hyperinsulinism will be transferred to SCH for undertaking of the scan. An SCHN practice guideline would be useful in stream-lining the processes and teams involved in the organization of this specialised and time-dependent scan.
To guide the pre and post operative management of abdominal wall defects including gastroschisis and omphalocele.
Policy and Procedure for Admitting and Treating an Overseas and/or Medical Ineligible Patient to SCHN
To provide instructions on how a patient/ parent and other parties can be given access to their health information
Policy/Procedure that will govern access to PowerChart given to those involved in Improvement Activities or Case Studies across SCHN.
This document outlines the accommodation procedures staff should follow for parents and carers.
Management of Accountable Medications
Documented Procedure for Audit of Controlled Medicines
Procedure to guide the reporting of lost and stolen accountable medicines
To provide a written resource for local treating therapists to guide clinical management of babies with Achondroplasia and provide education for them on the specific management in infancy
To provide education regarding IVI aciclovir dosing in paediatric patients
To provide a guide and protocol for the investigation and management of children with acute liver failure in NSW and ensure clear criteria for mandatory transfer to a liver transplant centre.
This policy has been developed to direct the management of patients in the Acute Review Clinic (ARC).
Describes the purpose, operational details and referral pathways for the acute review clinic
This document provides a protocol for the evaluation and management of patients suspected of or at risk of having acute rhabdomyolysis, and should be used in consultation with the Genetic Metabolic Disorders Service, the Nephrology Department and ICU.
To ensure that children diagnosed with Acute Rheumatic Fever or Rheumatic Heart Disease: i) are linked with a trusted and consistent Primary Care Provider ii) receive education for themselves, their families, and their primary care providers ii) receive long term clinical monitoring and regular prophylaxis with the aim of preventing recurrence and progression of Rheumatic Heart Disease.
When patient's with severe intellectual disability are admitted to PICU their care is difficult to stream line. This document aims to provide staff with a process to follow to gain the right information to direct care in a way that minimises risk to the patient and to staff. Hopefully making the patient's stay less frightening.
This document is designed to assist in placing children with respiratory illnesses in general ward beds to minimise bed block in Emergency. Viral Respiratory illness predominately affects children <2years of age.
Provied guidelines around administering nebulsied antibiotics to patients in hospital, it covers patients on no assisted ventilation, with a trachy, on non invasive ventilation and closed circuit ventilation.
To outline the process required for children receiving botulinum toxin A injections under a general anaesthetic
The Grace Centre fopr Newborn Care is part of the state wide perinatal services. This document details the admission criteria to GCNC.
To provide a guideline on how to admit an infant in terms of equipment, care and support for families
This document provides guidelines for Admission of Children and Adolescent requiring an acute mental health inpatient care. This document provides clarity around admission criteria etc The current review will provide minimal update in text
Process for a admission to CICU.
To provide the process for admission to the SCHN Hospital in the Home Service.
To provide the overall admission principles for the SCHN to ensure equitable access for patients, clinically appropriate care, care provided as close to home as possible and maintaining continuity of care where possible.
To describe processes for gate leave for patients that are admitted
nursing responsibilities in orientating families to ward
To assist medical and nursing staff in the recognition and management of adrenal crisis.
This policy directive outlines the framework for credentialing and defining scope of practice for allied health professionals employed by the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, SCHN.
To provide guidance for dosing and monitoring of aminoglycosides
gentamicin dosing guidelines
To ensure appropriate procedures are performed in Anaesthetic Bay and Plaster Room at CHW
Practice guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis in patients within both the Emergency Department, on the wards and receiving care through CAPAC.
CHW facility document
To simplify the access to escalated anti-TNFα therapy by following the AGA and GESA Guidelines/algorithms. Update to provide guidance on ASUC
Facilitate appropriate antibiotic allergy assessment and follow up management.
Safe prescribing and administration of anticoagulants in VTE and prophylaxis of VTE
Provide guidance for empiric antifungal therapy in at risk paediatric populations, in particular haematology, oncology and haematopoietic stem cell transplant patients requiring prophylaxis or treatment for suspected, probable or proven invasive fungal infection.
To provide guidance of dose adjustments of antibiotic in patients with renal impairment
Antimicrobial stewardship is defined as processes to assist and support clinicians with decisions regarding the optimal selection, dose and duration of an antimicrobial agent. The objective is to ensure the best clinical outcome for the treatment or prevention of infection, with minimal toxicity to the patient and minimal impact on subsequent resistance development.
This antimicrobial stewardship policy refers to the Antimicrobial Stewardship service at the Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick.
Contains the authorised list of abbreviations to be used at The Sydney Children's Hospital Network . However doesn't contain every abbreviation so a recommendation is made to link to the HIMAA https://www.himaa.org.au/our-work/publications/dictionary/
To guide the use of a novel device for allowing children with CVADs to participate in aquatic physiotherapy
To provide guidance regarding aquatic physiotherapy (hydrotherapy) procedures to staff delivering services
The purpose is to guide the practice of introducing aquatic physiotherapy as a treatment modality in a high risk population group, in patients with tracheostomies and/or Long Term ventilation (LTV).
To guide clinicians in the best practice for management and care of arterial catheters in neonates
Procedure for inserting an arterial lines, management of transducers and blood sampling.
To inform staff about the philosophy behind our Hospital's art collection and the acquisition, location and care of artworks.
To provide staff information on aseptic non touch technique principles .
Outlines processes agreed between NSW Ministry of Health and NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Community Services, when Assumption of Care by Community Services Officers occurs on health premises.
To provide a clear process for when an assumption of care of an Aboriginal child needs to take place.
Guideline for Medical and Nursing Staff on Management, Education and Discharge for children with Acute Asthma
To provide guideline to stretch salbutamol for the child with asthma
To guide the use of aEEG monitoring in GCNIC
To provide guidance for the performance of this procedure within the NICU
To provide guidance to clinical staff in GCNC of n the basic routines of care, screening and measurement
The purpose of this document is to outline the Network Clinical Emergency Response System, as well as providing site specific information to staff as they apply as they apply to the NSW Health Policy Directive 'Recognition and Management of Patients who are Clinically Deteriorating'. The NSW Health Policy Directive was written in the context of the Between the Flags program which aims to improve patient outcomes by detecting and acting upon early signs of deterioration in patients.
To gudie the use of intraabdominal pressure following surgery - it is currently imbedded within the Genito-Urinary Guideline, however it was felt it would be best as a stand alone guideline to avoid confusion with other documents.
To guide clinicians and technicians when collecting blood specimens from neonates
Define clinical procedure to ensure the blood culture collection activity is conducted in a safe consistent manner within Sydney Children's Hospitals Network.
This document has been produced as we have had inconsistency in our management of patients with blood glucose instability. There was one such patient with significant blood glucose instability where they were requiring insulin and IV glucose supplementation which resulted in multiple IIMS submissions. This document includes evidence based recommendations for practice.
To outline the procedure for measuring and documenting blood loss in the operating theatre for patients undergoing surgical procedures
To standardise the management of abdominal solid organ injuries in children admitted to CHW.
procedure for bowel washouts
To ensure all staff follow appropriate policies and guidelines when assisting or supporting mothers who are breastfeeding their baby whilst they are a patient in the SCHN
Guideline for management of bronchiolitis ED and admission
Guidelines for the respiratory support for NETS patients with bronchiolitis.
Procedure for the Non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage in PICU
Guide initial clinical management of child presenting the SCH ED with a burn injury.
Facilitate safe stabilisation and retrieval of the child who has suffered a severe burn injury requiring medical retrieval to the Children's Burn service
Practice guideline for the immediate assessment and treatment and management of paediatric patients with of burn injury; including - first aid management - general burn wound management - analgesia and sedation for burns dressing procedures - burn wound dressing products and application techniques - management of burn wound pruritus - post burn wound healing care - wound management for non burn major skin loss conditions
Management of a burns patient in PCIU
To establish a protocol for the approval and development of business cards for SCHN staff.
To provide guidance when conducting business with the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN) in order to maintain high standards of integrity and ethical conduct.
To guide the use of the C-MAC in retrieval intubations To ensure appropriate cleaning and maintenance of the device
To provide guidelines for patient flow for children requiring home initiation of CPAP. To provide HITH nurses with a treatment guideline for Clinical practice which is evidenced based. To provide HITH nurses with resources guiding patient flow in relation to the model of care.
To appropriately inform necessary clinicians and recognise the importance of deterioration for patients on non-invasive ventilation including CPAP or BIPAP
To adequately prepare and manage children undergoing cardiac catheterisation & EPS in order to enhance recovery and minimise post-operative complications.
To guide clinicians across the network on the correct care and management of paediatric patients requiring cardiac pacing.
To provide a guideline that is based on current best practice regarding the care of a post-op cardiac patient
These practice guidelines are based in the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) recommendations. They reflect current teaching of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Training at the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network. The guidelines provide staff with the necessary knowledge to initiate and sustain an effective and efficient response to a medical emergency at SCHN.
Define criteria and processes for the Care by Parent Model of Care
All children presenting at the SCHN are entitled to high quality care, in line with the hospital’s vision and values. The purpose of this document is to ensure that children in immigration detention receive safe, effective and person-centred care and that staff from immigration detention should not adversely affect the patient's health care, the working environment of the ward and hospital, other patients, other children, their parents or SCHN staff. The high-level guiding principles contained within this document aim to deliver person-centred care which is respectful of and responsive to the preferences, needs and values of patients and consumers. The widely accepted dimensions of person-centred care are respect, emotional support, physical comfort, information and communication, continuity and transition, care coordination, involvement of family and carers, and access to care (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care).
Middleton Day Surgery Unit encompasses a Pre-operative admission area Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU stage 1 ) and a Stage 2 PACU Discharge Lounge for Day Only patients. Middleton Unit is the Admission unit for over 95% of all planned and unplanned SCHN-Westmead Surgical Admissions This Practise Guideline document reflects what is currently regarded a safe practise .
To educate and support staff in the procedure of catheterisation in all its forms.
This is a practice guideline relating to the operation of the cell salvage device used in the operating theatres at CHW.
To guide management of central diabetes insipidus in SCHN inpatients not requiring vasopressin infusion.
Guide clinicians within SCHN on managing any patient with a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) during the neonatal period ie to 28 days of age and/or being cared for in NICU/CICU and PICU only
Detail the procedures involved in the insertion and management of central venous access devices.
To outline postoperative care for patients undergoing cerebral angiogram. To guide frequency of observations, what to look for when checking of cerebral angiogram site and potential complications.
To facilitate the effective preparation and management of children undergoing cerebral PET scanning.
Instructions on how to care for a patient with a (suspected) spine policy
To provide guidance to PICU and Spinal team clinical staff about cervical spine immobilisation and clearance in intubated PICU patients. Not for use outside of PICU
To support the supportive cares that are not stipulated in chemotherapy treatment protocols but require hydration and supportive cares. this guideline aims to outline the minimum standards of practice for chemotherapies that require particular hydration fluids or adjunctive and supportive care and to support and inform the care patients receiving these chemotherapies.
To provide guidance to clinical staff on the emetogenic potential of chemotherapeutic agents and appropriate prophylaxis and treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
Chest Drain Management
Manage chicken pox and herpes zoster contacts and prevent transmission within SCHN
This document has been developed to prevent or reduce child morbidity following needle stick incidents or exposure to blood or potentially blood contaminated secretions.
Guide clinicians in the appropriate use of play therapy during procedural interventions.
Clear management of child presenting to Emergency Department where sexual assault is suspected
To help Emergency Department Staff to manage suspected physical abuse and neglect in children in the Emergency Department
Provide information about the roles of the Child Protection Units at Randwick and Westmead and referral pathways to the CPUs
Overview of Child Safe Standards, from the Office of the Children's Guardian. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended 10 child safe standards, drawing on its findings, research and consultation about what makes organisations child safe. this document will out line the 10 child safe standards and provide information for staff on how SCHN meet these standards with links to other documents and webpages. A child safe culture is a set of values and practices that guide the attitudes and behavior of all staff.
• The Child and Family Health Clinical Nurse Consultant (CFH CNC) provides expert clinical services, advice and advocacy for clients, parents/carers and health care professionals within the specialty of Child and Family Health. • Patients are referred to the Child and Family Health Clinical Nurse Consultant when an inpatient with the hospital. • This document gives guidance to medical and nursing staff involved in referring a patient for Child and Family Health Nurse Consultation and specifies the procedures involved.
Standardisation of chylothorax diagnosis and management for children admitted to CHW. This mostly applies to children following cardiac surgery and may be admitted to NICU, PICU and Edgar Stephen Ward. It also includes congenital chylothorax in neonates.
Educate and reinforce skills learnt to be used in the home setting or equivalent.
To enhance prior learning and reference guide to children and their carers I the process of Intermittent catheterisation in all aspects of society.
To reinforce the child's and parents skills, understanding and confidence in attending to the catheterisation by newly formed channel.
This guideline is replacing the previous clinical pathways which were designed to standardise care and guide clinical practise. This guideline serves as a management guide to staff caring for patients undergoing this procedure.
This document has been developed to provide current and up to date guidelines on the pre-operative and post-operative care of the child undergoing cleft lip and/or palate repair.
The document is to describe the requirements for children attending the Outpatient Cleft Palate Clinic with acute ear infections.
This document was created to replace the previously used 'clinical pathways'. It is a standardised way to care for all patients admitted for this procedure and serves as a guide to nursing and medical staff on the management and cares for the children undergoing this procedure.
Provide safe handover procedures from NETS to receiving units.
To establish protocols on the collection, use, disclosure, storage and security of clinical images at The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (“SCHN”).
Explains the policy expectations related to clinical incident management and responsibilities of local managers, Clinical Program Directors and CGU. Where to find additional information to clinical incident management as stated by NSW Health policy.
To provide guidance in relation to the Clinical Manual Handling Program and provide responsibilities and practical assistance to staff, i.e. Mentors, Managers etc
The purpose of this procedure is to describe the process by which access to the electronic medical record for the purposes of inspection for clinical research is managed at SCHN.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that bio specimens for clinical research are collected in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements. Adherence to this procedure will ensure that: * Bio specimens for clinical research are collected and processed in a safe and compliant manner by appropriately qualified and trained personnel to whom the Investigator has delegated responsibility; * The integrity of bio specimens for clinical research is preserved by ensuring that the bio specimens are maintained under suitable conditions during collection and processing; and * Appropriate records detailing the chain of custody for the bio specimens are maintained in compliance with the SCHN Procedure - Record Keeping [DRAFT]
The purpose is to outline the procedure for accessing user support, notification of planned and unplanned downtime and obtaining access to electronic documents stored in the SCHN Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) in the event of unplanned downtime.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that close-out and archiving is performed in accordance with NSW Health, SCHN and regulatory and protocol requirements.
To provide clear guidance on what is required when obtaining consent to participate in human research conducted across SCHN.
The purpose is to outline the procedure for the creation of certified copies of original records for clinical research, in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN and regulatory requirements.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that deliveries of equipment and/or supplies (excluding IMP) for clinical research are maintained, calibrated (if applicable) received, processed, evaluated and stored in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements as well as the recommendations of the manufacturer.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the appropriate financial management of clinical research, in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements. Adherence to this procedure will ensure that: * Financial and operational risk to SCHN is reduced by ensuring that resources and funds are adequate to conduct the clinical research to a high standard of quality and safety and the Supporting Departments involved in the delivery of the research are reimbursed for costs incurred; * There is appropriate stewardship of public and other resources whereby funding is used ‘for purpose’ and the receipt, investment and expenditure of funds complies with NSW Accounts and Audit Determinations for Public Health Organisations; and * A high quality, efficient, sustainable and competitive service, delivered by experienced clinical and research personnel, is available to Investigators and Sponsors or Delegates, now and in the future.
Compiling all relevant Clinical Research Investigational Medicinal Product individual policies into one document as requested by the CRC team.
The purpose is to outline the procedure for the reimbursement of out of pocket or other expenses incurred by clinical research participants during their involvement in clinical research.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the qualifications and training of clinical research personnel are documented and maintained to ensure compliance with NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements. Adherence to this procedure will ensure that: * Accurate records are maintained of the qualifications and training of clinical research personnel delegated to perform duties or tasks by the Investigator, under their supervision.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that a consistent approach is taken by SCHN Investigators with regards to the appropriate delegation of tasks and duties for clinical research, in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements. Adherence to this procedure will ensure that: * Investigators or Delegates appropriately assign duties or tasks to qualified and trained clinical research personnel operating under their supervision; * The delegation of duties or tasks by the Investigator is appropriately documented through completion and maintenance of a Signature and Delegation Log.
The purpose is to outline the procedure for the creation and management of records used as part of clinical research.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all medical tests conducted for clinical research purposes are reviewed by the Investigator to ensure the safety of clinical research participants, adherence with the protocol and compliance with applicable NSW Health, SCHN and regulatory regulations. This procedure applies to all clinical research conducted within SCHN where the Investigator is responsible for reviewing medical test results to ensure clinical research participant safety and care, as per the protocol. This procedure applies regardless of whether such tests are performed at SCHN or by external agencies, such as central laboratories. Adherence to this procedure will ensure that: * Investigators promptly receive and review medical test results for clinical research participants under their care; * Investigators promptly act to review, escalate, respond and document any decisions made or actions taken, as a result of the review of medical tests to ensure the safety of clinical research participant under their care (as appropriate); and * Investigators respond in compliance with the requirements of the protocol (as applicable) and regulatory approvals, except when necessary to eliminate immediate hazards to the participant as per ICH GCP Section 3.3.7.
The purpose is to outline is to ensure that statistical analysis for clinical research sponsored by SCHN are developed, performed and reported, as applicable, in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements. Adherence to this procedure will ensure the accuracy, validity and integrity of results drawn from the analysis of data for clinical research through use of appropriate statistical methodology and practices.
The purpose of this procedure is to outline requirements for the safe storage of chemicals, including flammable and/or corrosive agents for clinical research. It is acknowledged that there may be some variations in the procedure depending upon the recommendations and/or specifications for handling a specific chemical agent, with consideration of requirements as stated in its SDS, and in accordance with risk-assessments made by the responsible laboratory facility Head or Delegate.
The purpose is to outline the procedure for the maintenance of essential documents as part of the TMF for clinical research, in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN and regulatory requirements
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the standardised and safe use of BSCs by clinical research personnel.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the standardised and safe use centrifuges by clinical research personnel.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the safe use of dry ice by clinical research personnel.
The purpose is to outline the procedure for the use of electronic signatures on records for clinical research, in compliance with NSW Health, SCHN and regulatory requirements. Adherence to this procedure will ensure: * Quality control systems and procedures are enacted to ensure the appropriate use of electronic signatures; * Improved consistency and efficiencies in workflow processes for clinical research personnel; and * Appropriate records detailing the chain of custody for original documents involving electronic signatures are maintained at all times;
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the standardised and safe use of fridges and freezers by clinical research personnel.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the standardised and safe use of Fume Hoods by clinical research personnel.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that laboratory facilities for clinical research are used in compliance with best practice guidelines as well as NSW Health, SCHN, regulatory and Protocol requirements. Adherence to this policy will ensure that: * Investigators or Delegates use laboratory facilities that are fit for purpose with consideration of protocol-specific requirements dictated by the Sponsor or Delegate, and in accordance with risk-assessments; * Laboratory facilities and equipment are used in a safe, equitable and compliant manner; and * Any data garnered from the performance of laboratory tasks is reliable and credible for analysis.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the safe handling of liquid nitrogen by clinical research personnel.
Governance of nursing clinical skill standards of assessment throughout SCHN
The purpose of this procedure is to describe the procedures related to use of a protocol, an Investigator Brochure (IB), and amendments to these documents for clinical trials used or developed by SCHN Investigators to ensure compliance with NSW Health, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (SCHN), National Clinical Trials Governance Framework (NCTGF)2, International Council for on Harmonisation (ICH) Good Clinical Practice (GCP)15 and regulatory and best practice recommendations.
This policy outlines the application and review process for SCHN staff who wish to have SCHN take on Clinical Trial Sponsorship responsibilities.
Provides safety reporting process for all staff conducting research at SCHN.
Minimising the transmission of toxogenic clostridium difficile in children with diarrhoea
To have a concise document incorporating all other documents and policies relating to clozapine including NSW policy and safety notices - NSW guideline GL2022_011 and NSW Safety Information 001/22 this document will also include monitoring physical as well as blood monitoring as well as need for registration of prescribers and dispensing pharmacists.
To educate the best evidence based practice for all clinical staff in Grace Centre for Newborn Care.
This outlines the activation, response and management of a Code Black (personal threat) that may arise from a patient or individual confronting staff, patients and/or visitors in a violent or threatening manner.
This document formalises the ED response to critically ill children. It encompasses a code crimson trauma response in addition to outlining a response for critical airway, breathing, circulation and neurological emergencies requiring rapid escalation of care.
To provide a guideline for hospital staff wishing to access data involving neonatal patients in Grace Centre for Newborn Care
This document provides background information regarding the processes required to develop a new Committee (and any associated working or project groups). The document clarifies the approval processes for the development of new committees and information on the administration of all committees within the Network. The document provides staff with templates to be used for all committee proposals, terms of reference, agenda and minutes.
Policy and procedures for visiting Company Representatives at CHW
To support the provision of Complementary Therapies at CHW provided by clinical staff from the Pain Medicine Service and Palliative Care Service
The purpose of this policy is to provide staff guidance on the use of CAM within hospital. The guidance applies to therapeutic products which are supplied from outside the hospital and are not listed on the hospital formulary and also to unconventional therapies or treatments
The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (the Network) compliance management framework ensures the Network’s operations are conducted in accordance with legislative requirements and NSW Health Policy Directives.
To put in place a procedure for repairs to natural compressed air lines for plant & equipment for the maintenance department.
To promote promote personal health and well being by minimising the risk associated with alcohol consumption during events and functions and to provide information to staff on their responsibilities regarding the service of alcohol and related procedures.
To protect the integrity of the public health system and its staff, this policy and procedures define NSW Health's position in relation to conflicts of interest and gifts and benefits.
To guide the management of the newborn with CDH
Guidelines for the management of post surgery congenital heart disease in PICU
To provide clinical staff information on how to arrange a Gynaecology consult.
This document outlines the process for consumer feedback (complaints, compliments, suggestions or observation) management at SCHN. The procedure specifically provides strategies for dealing with complaints at the first point of contact, assessing the severity of complaints, investigating complaints and resolving complaints. The procedure also outlines the process for management of compliments, suggestions and observations.
To guide clinicians to obtain a single ECG trace or display a continuous ECG reading so that cardiac arrhythmias can be identified and analysed.
This protocol covers the procedure for patients admitted to wards for the initiation of CPAP or Bilevel support under care of the Sleep Medicine Service.
To provide a clinical guideline for practice to staff caring for patients receiving regional block infusions or prescribing regional block infusions.
Guidelines for setting up and running haemodiafiltration in PICU including PrisMax machine.
Guideline for the correct application of a CAM boot
The purpose of the Corporate Records Management policy is to ensure that full and accurate records of appropriate activities and decisions of the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network are created, managed and disposed of in accordance with the State Records Act 1998.
Clinical guidance for post-operative cares following craniofacial procedures.
• Maintain the safety and quality of care that patients receive from Health Practitioners and employees. • Support best practice, ensure compliance with professional standards and meet accreditation requirements. • Sustain the confidence of the public and the professions. • Ensure the qualifications, experience, skills and other relevant attributes to fulfil the Scope of Practice are accurately described in the selection criteria of position descriptions. • Ensure credentialing and defining the Scope of Practice occurs at the point of consideration for employment and on an ongoing basis via the appraisal/performance review process or as required.
The Short Stay Surgical Unit is a new 12 bed inpatient unit that will open with the Paediatric Service Building. This new unit's model of care is designed to care for paediatric patients requiring admission for 23-48 hours post their surgery. To support patient flow through the unit and efficiencies this model of care will focus on Criteria Led Discharge. All patients admitted to the unit will be commenced on the relevant criteria led discharge pathway. This procedure will outline how Criteria Led Discharge, which patients are appropriate to be cared for under this model, and care escalation including when the patient is not safe to be cared for under this model of care.
Clinical Care guideline for Emergency Staff
To describe the process by which crutches are supplied and fitted, including technique of use and payment.
This guideline describes the management of cuffed endotracheal tubes and cuffed tracheostomy tubes in retrieval
Guideline for the preparation, administration and management of cyclophosphamide for paediatric patients with renal disease.
To provide a comprehensive multidisciplinary document for the management of CF patients.
Chapter 1 of the CHW CF Manual - provide a comprehensive multidisciplinary document for the diagnosis of CF patients.
To provide appropriate palliative care for CF patients.
Define the management including infection control measures for Cystic Fibrosis patients at SCH
Management of children with Cystic Fibrosis and Non-CF Bronchiectasis who require antibiotic therapy and physiotherapy in the home.
To guide staff on the management of Children undergoing day stay tonsillectomy. As this is a new model of care for SCH, the policy is required to educate staff and safely guide patient care.
Procedures outlining best practice care for patients having arthroscopic procedures as a day surgery at CHW. On discharge, the patient will be collaboratively cared for by the VirtualKIDS and HITH teams.
Network Death of a Child Procedure
This policy governs the operations of debt recovery and write-offs for SCHN patient-related revenue.
To establish a consistent measurement of demand for SCHN services and outline the appropriate responses to changing service demands.
To clearly identify the role of the dental nurse when perfomuing the role of instument nurse within the operating suite.
For prompt administration of antihistamine during mild to moderate allergic reactions. The inpatient state formulary has replaced Loratadine with Desloratadine.
To provide governance and ability to destroy health care records post scanning.
Outlines the process of determination of neurological death in keeping with the "ANZICS STATEMENT ON DEATH AND ORGAN DONATION", Edition 4.1 (2021)
To provide a model of care for all newborn infants of any gestational age in a critical care setting (GCNIC, PICU, CICU and ESW)
Administration of dexmedetomidine in CICU
To inform medical and nursing staff re: the practice guidelines associated with monitoring blood glucose, blood ketones levels and administering insulin of an inpatient with type 1 diabetes
To inform and educate all nursing staff how to provide nursing care to inpatients with type 1 diabetes who deliver their insulin via a subcutaneous insulin pump
To provide guidelines for management of diabetes ketoacidosis of paediatric patients
The purpose is to ensure appropriate patching of all ICT systems to minimize risks and It aims to maintain trust in ICT systems and manage known security vulnerabilities based on their risk profile.
To outline SCHN processes in administering, reviewing and responding to psychosocial screening via the digital HEEADSSS (home environment, education/employment, eating, peer-related activities, drugs, sexuality, suicide/depression and safety) assessment tool, on a platform known as TickiT.
The purpose of this document is to streamline the discharge planning process for children with cardiac conditions, regardless of their discharging department, and to ensure consistency and early preparation as part of the Cardiac Care for Kids Regional and Remote Program. This document will highlight principles of discharge planning for this patient cohort, determine criteria for discharge, advise what preparation is required for the family, staff and local services. It will include information specifically for cardiac patients who are at high risk of deterioration in the community.
To provide a guide to the process for discharge and follow-up and care by the TNP
To ensure that all CHW Staff and contractors shall follow a procedure for disposal of used fluorescent tubes, starters and high intensity discharge lamps.
The purpose of this document is to assist clinicians in determining when an intervention required by a person with a disability, or child with a developmental delay, falls within SCHN's scope of service and when it is more appropriately provided by the Disability Sector. A Guideline has already been developed by Hunter New England LHD which will be utilised as a template/base document to localise to meet SCHN's needs. This document requires development in response to the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
To assist staff in identifying and responding to Domestic and Family Violence in a way that is safe and supportive for victims of violence.
To outline the insertion and care of intercostal catheters
Appropriate medication dosing for obese children
• It is a mandatory requirement that all staff in the Emergency Department (ED) are provided with, and wear, a mobile duress pager when on duty. • Mobile duress pagers are provided by SCHN as personal protective equipment (PPE). • All staff working in the Emergency Department must be able to summon assistance when necessary. • SCHN ensures that the guiding principles outlined in the Policy Directive People and Property 2013 is complied with. • The procedure outlines the use of the mobile duress pager, training requirements, compliance monitoring, evaluation and auditing.
To outline post operative care of ENT patients at CHW
To guide consistency in the assessment and treatment for children and young people who present to either SCH or CHW Emergency Departments with an eating disorder. Align with the updated NSW eating disorder toolkit guideline.
The management of operating session within children's Hospital; - Westmead Operating Theatres
An easy to use reference guide for medical and nursing staff that will allow a standardised approach to replacement of electrolytes in those patients that have electrolyte deficiencies. It will be particularly aimed at junior medical staff who prescribe the majority of electrolyte replacement.
Provide procedures for securing and safeguarding SCHN’s Information Security systems including data, information systems and ICT infrastructure. Outline roles and responsibilities for senior management to ensure staff compliance with official policies and procedures.
To inform clinician across the Network about the the new electronic process of documenting Advance Care Planning documents and Resuscitation Plans.
To establish the referral and transfer protocols for children requiring burns care at CHW that present to ED and how best to manage them
Define the response of the SCH facility in a disaster event involving SCH and/or Randwick Campus.
Guides clinical staff on the assessment and management of a patient with a suspected spinal cord injury
Practice Guideline for Emergency Medicine Kits for the SCHN
Guide for referral, admission and transfer of patients requiring orthopaedic care.
Outlines empiric antibiotic recommendations at SCH Randwick
To provide guidance on the management of empyema in children and minimise variation of practice.
To guide retrieval teams in timely and safe administration of exogenous surfactant
To guide the administration of surfactant to the neonate via the Endotracheal tube. To support the management of the neonate pre, during and post surfactant therapy administration.
Patient with certain criteria are at increased risk of venous thromboembolism and therefore may benefit from prophalaxis with low molecular weight heparin
To provide a guideline for the scope of practice for Enrolled Nurses working within SCHN
This document provides guidance and instruction for the management for children on enteral feeds including those requiring enteral feeding tubes.
This document covers the prescription, administration, and management of commonly used premedications prescribed by the anaesthetic team for children prior to anaesthesia.
To devise a policy to support the safe administration of Enzyme Replacement Therapy(ERT) in the home setting by HITH and moving toward self / family administration.
To aid in the management of patients receiving epidural infusions
Clinicians managing children presenting to the Emergency Dept. with epistaxis will receive appropriate diagnosis and management.
To provide information on how Management and the Board, have visibility and access to information on health safety and wellbeing performance, to better inform decisions and actions for performance improvement.
To give guidelines on how to care for children who are known to have ESBL bacteria.
To facilitate safe practice around care of children with an external ventricular drainage system in place.
To support staff caring for a patient on ECMO in CICU, SCH
To provide guidance on for the safe and effective provision of ECMO for paediatric patients in PICU at CHW
This document provides specific information on pre-operative, perioperative and postoperative eye care.
To inform Workforce Services staff of their responsibility in relation to the creation, maintenance and storage of staff personnel files.
To support and guide SCHN staff through the new procedure for developing and reviewing SCHN factsheets.
To assist staff in identifying children at high risks of falling and the use of the falls assessment tool
To provide a fasting guideline for children having general anaesthesia for elective or minor emergency surgery.
Guidelines for pre-procedure fasting in Type 1 Diabetic patients
To provide a guide to the complex feeding methods and techniques required for neonates to meet their developmental needs
Clinical Care Guideline for Emergency Staff
To identify patients with fever and petechiae who are clinically stable, presenting to the Emergency Dept who are well enough to receive intravenous antibiotic therapy at home in specific circumstances. These patients could be directly transferred from ED to HITH avoiding inpatient beds all together. Traditionally these patients have been admitted for 48 hours awaiting cultures.
Information to guide the management of febrile children in the Emergency Departments.
To provide staff, especially non-clinical staff, with first aider(s), access to first aid and equipment.
This document describes the procedures involved in the employment of temporary employees in accordance with the Health Industry Status of Employment's (State) Award. These procedures should avoid the situation of temporary employees working on expired contracts. Ensure a consistent approach to the management of temporary appointments
Policy document to establish the framework and process for considering and approving requests for flexible work practices • Significant policy review to ensure alignment with best practice principles..
To ensure inpatients with IgE mediated food allergies are provided with a High Alert Meal.
Povide direction to staff and volunteers holding a food stall in a SCHN facility.
To provide management guidelines for children with upper and lower limb fractures
To standardise the process by which fractures are reduced in the CHW ED
To guide clinicians in the application of traction, including appropriate analgesia
The strategy communicates the Department's position of not tolerating any act of fraud or corruption and emphasises that fraud prevention and control is the responsibility of all staff.
For guidance and education purposed for nursing staff when caring for a child with a free flap. Nil guideline is currently exists within SCHN. The free flap surgery is intricate microsurgery that requires strict post operative care to prevent failure of the flap. Patients requiring this intervention will be infrequent and this type of surgery is required following a major traumatic accident.
The policy has been developed to ensure that the fund controllers have a clear understanding of their responsibilities in managing RFA funds. The policy promotes compliance with the Trustee Act, Accounts and Audit Determination and other relevant Ministry policies. The policy also sets out actions where RFA funds are not managed well or become idle or obsolete.
Appropriate management of children and infants presenting to SCHN EDs with symptoms of gastroenteritis while excluding other causes of abdominal pain. Treatment aims to avoid dehydration by rehydration via the enteral or intravenous routes.
prevention of the transmission of gastroenteritis.
This document provides policy and guidelines for initial clinical management of patients presenting with acute upper or lower gastrointestinal bleeding in ED, PICU or the Wards.
• To promote appropriate timely treatment for children who present to Emergency Department (ED) with gastrostomy device displacement • To identify risks and reduce complications associated with gastrostomy device displacement • To expedite patients who present to the ED with a displaced gastrostomy device
Guidelines to assist parents and carers in managing their children's gastrostomy at home
Provide information for clinicians on Gastrostomy Management
To outline the process of safely upgrading gastrostomy feeds postop without medical review (using a criteria). This feeding guideline is an 'opt-in' guideline for suitable patients and needs to be initiated within 3 hours of a child arriving to a post op ward so that the steps can be engaged in a timely manner. To be used in conjunction with the SCHN Gastrostomy Management Procedure and Enteral Feeding Tubes and the Administration of Enteral Nutrition Practice Guideline.
Guide medication administration for patients on discharge or gate pass
To inform nurses and medical staff how to administer and handle Zolgensma, a gene modified medicinal product safely and to the standards required by the gene therapy licence agreement.
To outline the requirements for clinical and research personnel with regards to the safe administration and handling of in vivo gene therapies.
Home care guideline to support policy titled 'Administering nebulised antibiotics in hospital'
This document can be used as a guide for medical staff and registered nurses in the prescription, administration and monitoring of patients who require goserelin/zoladex for fertility preservation
The purpose of the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN) Grading, Regrading and Reclassification Policy is to ensure that requests for grading, regrading or reclassification are assessed against relevant industrial instruments, comparable positions within the NSW Public Health Industry and other relevant factors such as work value.
Procedure to direct the maintenance and management of HEPA filters at SCHN
Clinical care guideline for ED staff
To provide information to renal and paediatric nurses on procedures involving double lumen haemodialysis access catheters
Provide details of standardised hand hygiene procedures as outlined by NSW Ministry of Health policy.
To provide procedure which meets the new legislation for Hazardous Chemicals and improves compliance with the MoH Policy
To ensure that hazardous and cytotoxic medications are administered safely to patients in the SCHN with regards to patient safety, worker safety and environmental regulations
Safe and appropriate management of acute head injury in infants and children
To provide advice in managing and treating Head lice/scabies for inpatients. To correctly treat Head Lice and Scabies. To minimise the risk of transmission of Head Lice and Scabies to healthcare workers and others.
To provide governance and processes to follow with regards to Health Care Records Management, Storage and Access
To provide guidance on health, safety and wellbeing consultation at SCHN
Describes the risk management process of identification, assessment, treatment, monitoring and review for WHS issues
The purpose of the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN) Attendance Finalisation Policy is to ensure that SCHN provides accurate and authorised rostering information for payroll processing. It is a mandatory audit requirement for Roster Managers (delegated officers) to ensure verification of employee attendance when authorising attendance records prior to submission for payroll processing.
Outline the timeframes for health care records to be returned to Health Information Units for scanning and access into the eMR
To standardise the routine and accurate measurement of height, weight and other body parameters of patients presenting to SCHN facilities.
Drug protocol for intravenous heparin infusion for the initial treatment of venous or arterial thrombosis and anticoagulation of patients with prosthetic heart valves perioperatively
The implementation at local level of the NSW Health Policy Directive on Hepatitis B Vaccination.
This document is intended as a brief summary of the assessment of the high risk cardiac patient presenting to SCHN emergency departments
The purpose of this document is to identify medicines which have been deemed to be at high risk of misadventure for the patients across SCHN.
To provide guidelines for the management of a child in a spica cast
To provide a resource for parents and carers who are looking after a child with a hip spica cast. Information is provided regarding what the hip spica cast is, how to lift and handle the child and complete cares such as sleep, feeding, bathing, toileting and transport.
To provide staff with information regarding the care of neonates with Hirschsprung's disease.
To be used when sending a patient home on intravenous medication with the parents/carer administering the antibiotics.
To outline a procedure for home visiting and risk management prior and during community or home visiting
Guidelines for staff and families of CHW outlining responsibilities of taking long term ventilated inpatients outside of the hospital environment to home or school.
To provide guidance to staff who wish to commission and install murals and/or wall graphics in public and patient areas across SCHN facilities.
To provide guidance on multidisciplinary care, testing and service requirements for women living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and their infants in order to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV.
To provide an evidence based practice guideline which enables the nursing & Medical staff to safely administer oxygen via a humidification circuit
This is an updated document that describes the indications and procedures for using Humidified High Flow Nasal Cannula (HHFNC) therapy on both of the NETS custom built retrieval systems - the N2012 Neonatal systems and the new 2018 series paediatric retrieval systems.
To provide a framework for appropriate clinical therapy in the management of acute severe hyperkalaemia including identifying potential underlying causes and complications from the illness or treatment.
Describe management hypoglycemia episodes and workup for non-diabetic patients presenting or developing hypoglycemia while in the hospital
To inform audience re: the treatment of hypoglycaemia of an inpatient with diabetes who is being treated with insulin and/or oral hypoglycaemic medication.
To improve safety and management of children during commencement and maintenance on the ketogenic diet
Clinical guideline for treatment with & management of therapeutic hypothermia in newborn infants
To guide accredited Nursing Staff in the prescription and administration of ibuprofen
To provide a practise guideline on how to perform mouth care on young infants using expressed breast milk from the infants biological mother
To guide and facilitate vaccination of inpatients and outpatients across SCHN
Guidelines for the safe administration of subcutaneous immunoglobulin and immunoglobulin infusions for replacement and immunodulation therapy.
To provide a guide to CGU staff on the process to follow when ethically reviewing improvement activities submitted via CHARLI
This document will outline the process to be undertaken by the Clinical Governance Unit when preparing the paperwork required to have ethically approved Quality Improvement activities endorsed by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).
To enhance and support the care of a child with an indwelling catheter at home. To put into practice the skills learnt in the hospital.
Provide guidance on formula feeding and introducing solids to infants up to the age of 12 months who are being cared for within the SCHN.
To support the treatment of infantile spasms with high dose oral prednisolone.
To maintain infection prevention and control within the CHW Operating Theatres, Todman PACU, Middleton Day Surgery and Block K Pod B paediatric operating theatres and PACU.. To be used in conjunction with CHW Infection control isolation practice guideline, NSW health infection prevention and control policy, CEC infection prevention and control practice handbook, CEC Infection prevention and control manual COVID-19 and other acute respiratory infections, ACORN standards, and Standards Australia.
Tool used across the Network regarding isolation precautions required.
Guidelines on when to provide endocarditis prophylaxis for at risk procedures
To provide a directive for implementing a comprehensive information security management system which will allow the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network to ensure information security is applied in a consistent and sustainable manner in accordance with the NSW Health Electronic Information Security Policy (EISP) and ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (“ISO 27001”) information security standard.
This document describes how to obtain services from Inhalation Therapy in regard to the support of all respiratory equipment, including decontamination of reusable equipent. Inhalation Therapy is part of Biomedical Engineering.
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is used to treat pulmonary hypertension and can be used for all road and rotary wing retrievals when the NETS 2012 series neonatal system is fitted with the specially designed nitric module.
The document outlines an organised multidisciplinary approach to rapidly resuscitate, assess, and manage the injured child in the emergency department. It has an updated Trauma call criteria, roles and responsibilities of the multidisciplinary team and new framework for Trauma calls to the ED
To provide guidelines for parents and carers on the insertion and care of feeding tubes at home
To standardise and streamline the process of organising Trauma inter-hospital transfers.
To guide staff in preparing and actioning skin-to-skin care for neonates and their parents
To assist staff to undertake procedure accurately and according to specific requirements of surgeons at SCH Randwick. Additionally, document provides definitions which will aid in diagnosis of Intra-abdominal hypertension and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.
To help identify patients with intrabdominal hypertension and institute appropriate management to avoid complications from compartment syndrome
The SafeSet® Blood Sampling System has been designed as a closed loop system to prevent blood loss, maintain infection control and make efficient use of time and resources when obtaining blood samples
In order to adhere to NSW Health Policy PD2022_032, we need to document the administration and use of all medications used intraoperatively.
To provide guidance on the safe and effective care for patients undergoing day stay tonsillectomies.
To guide clinical staff in managing patients requiring ICP monitoring.
To describe the use of different ICP monitoring systems within PICU CHW
Describe the correct procedure for the insertion of an intraosseous needle to obtain vascular access.
Outline best practice in managing children receiving intrathecal baclofen therapy.
To specify indications, prescribing, preparation, and administration of IV aspirin in acute neurovascular conditions in paediatric patients at Children's Hospital Westmead, particularly for emergency cases.
The purpose of this document is to provide overview information about Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) for patients with rare metabolic conditions, to provide a practical guideline on how to prepare and administer this product, and to how to manage transfusion -related reactions. This guideline is to be read in conjunction with a patient's Individualised (ERT) Infusion policy.
Practice guideline for the management and treatment of paediatric IV extravasation injuries.
To specify current recommendations for IV fluids in the SCHN patient population
Indication and dosage of intravenous iron and administration
To describe the indication, dosage, prescription, preparation, and administration of IV tirofiban for emergency neurovascular procedures at CHW
Timely switch from IV to oral based on national guidelines for children. Shorter duration of IV will result in fewer complications, shorter admission and reduced costs to the institution.
Provide NETS clinicians safe management guidance for patients with intussusception.
To facilitate treatment of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with isolated limb injuries or fractures immobilisation or removal of cast/splint
To provide a guideline for neonates with jaundice requiring phototherapy or exchange transfusion at SCHN
To guide clinicians in the preparation of infants and post-operative management of neonates undergoing a jaw/mandibular distration for airway managment
To provide updated practice guidelines to clinical staff for the Ketogenic Diet
To provide information to junior and senior medical staff and nurses on the work up pre transplant and the management pre and post renal transplant
Guideline for staff employed within Kids GPS for orientation and ongoing work practice Information source for SCHN clinicians - about the service; how to refer
For staff to have the appropriate guidelines available when the need arises to use the external and internal defibrillators in the operating suite.
Procedure for testing safety showers
Guideline for the safe administration of Laceraine Topical Wound Anaesthetic in SCHN incorporating a new Gel formulation
clinical care guideline for ED staff
The post operative period following laryngotracheal reconstruction is a high risk period. The child will be cared for in intensive care with a critical airway. Clear communication and post operative instructions are essential to ensure children are managed safely. The purpose of this practice guideline is to provide a clear pathway and post operative instructions for these children in the 2 week post operative period in intensive care.
To ensure compliance with Work Health and Safety Legislation, Australian Standards, ACORN Standards and best practice.
The purpose of this document is to provide best practice guidance to SCHN clinicians who may care for a dying child or neonate.
To provide guidance for nursing and medical staff re management of leech therapy including the ordering, transport and storing and disposal of leeches, medical and nursing roles, standard clinical practices when managing the child requiring leech therapy.
To guide NETS teams in retrieving babies Left Heart Obstruction
To enable bookings of Group Study Rooms in the library in accordance with their purpose and also to meet grant funding requirements.
Policy and procedure for treating and admitting Patients who are participants of Lifetime Care and Support across the Network
How to get a person out of a lift that is broken down between floors.
The purpose of this document is to detail procedures for linen management for the network.
This document provides guidelines for anaesthesia and perioperative care for patients undergoing liver transplantation, along with background information and evidence to enhance understanding of the perioperative care of these patients.
Provide guidelines and advice for doctors, nurses and other health professionals caring for children who receive liver transplants
Provide information to Junior Medical staff on the management of a disaster situation affecting SCH.
Provide instructions in CICU for the safe and consistent techniques to prevent exacerbation of any existing spinal injury during essential patient movement.
For prompt administration of antihistamine during mild to moderate allergic reactions. .
Guide for clinical staff in skin integrity management following a trauma. This guideline was recommended by the division of surgery to improve practice and guide clinicians on the appropriate management of skin loss following a trauma in consultation with the burns and plastics team.
To provide a guideline for physiotherapists treating patients undergoing limb lengthening and deformity correction.
To facilitate the safe and effective care of a child undergoing a lumbar puncture and th facilitate the safe and effective collection of a CSF specimen.
To inform staff of the processes for a child to have an MRI under GA that is allocated on the scheduled list and patients on the unscheduled list (emergency list). To inform nursing staff working in Medical Imaging of the post anaesthetic care and discharge requirements.
This guideline and flow chart has been developed to assist SCHN staff to provide an immediate response and manage risk when a young person / parent / carer is identified as being on the Child Protection Register for Sexual and Violent Crimes.
Criteria that must be met in order to include a mandatory training requirement in a Policy Directive. The SCHN information outlines the mandatory training requirements for SCHN staff.
The Purpose of this document is to instruct the user how to manually clean an endoscope in the operating suite when an endoscope is not processed in the Advantage machine within 1 hour of use.
Provides information on the management and responsibilities of Manual Handling incidents and the processes involved in identifying, assessing and controlling manual handling risks. Provides guidance regarding ergonomics and the control of risks in the workplace.
Activation and deactivation procedure to provide blood components to patients requiring massive blood transfusion in a timely manner.
To outline the protocoll for managing patients with measles and treating contacts
To guide staff in the process of dealing with media.
To give nursing staff background information on medical imaging procedures to help manage patient care when requiring medical imaging procedures
To replace current medication handling policy and give guidance on the administration of medication
Documented Practice Guideline to support the Administration of Medication by Parents and Carers
Guide to the Management of SCHN Formulary
Guide Medicine Recalls for the Network
Procedure for obtaining and documenting Best Possible Medication History (BPMH) and process of reconciliation at transfer of care.
This document describes the activities to be undertaken at the ward or department level when Medtasker is unavailable.
To provide direction to clinicians and is aimed at achieving the best possible paediatric care in all parts of the state.
Cover page for PIC guideline for acute management of meningococcal disease in the Emergency Department
Provide safe and effective guidelines for the management of NETS patients with (possible) meningococcal disease.
to ensure the staff are using correct infection control procedures
So that staff what MBL is and how to care for a child with MBL.
To ensure safe and effective prescription and administration of intravenous (IV) midazolam as a continuous infusion to achieve seizure control for patients on Commercial Travellers (CT) Ward in the Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW), and to provide a guideline for when such patients will require transfer to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of CHW for further monitoring.
To ensure the safe and effective management of pain in children with a mild head injury admitted under the neurosurgical team.
To provide a guideline for nurses to manage milrinone infusion in the ward and home environments.
To highlight procedure when an admitted and/or scheduled patient is missing or absconded
This policy exists to ensure beneficial, cost effective, safe and ethical use of Mobile Devices by staff of the Sydney Children’s SCHNs Network (SCHN), keeping within the guidelines of NSW Health and the NSW Government
The purpose of this document is to guide clinicians at SCH working in the area of the Atkins ketogenic diet. This document outlines how the diet should be commenced in the outpatient setting, including a detailed step-by-step process. It also identifies appropriate monitoring of children on the Atkins ketogenic diet after it has been established, including medical and nutritional parameters. This will ensure consistency of care and ensure evidenced base practice.
Ambulatory care require the document for safe monitoring of < 5 weeks old corrected and under 2.5kg infants
Patients with mucopolysaccharidoses are a small but vulnerable patient population who frequently require operations or medical imaging under the care of anaesthesia. There are a range of condition-specific implications for perioperative care, and particular considerations in planning, conduct of anaesthesia and monitoring to ensure safe, high-quality clinical care. This document helps all involved in the assessment, coordination and delivery of care for these patients in this context deliver excellent clinical care.
Guideline for assessment, care and pain management for chemotherapy patients with mucositis.
Provide infection control guidelines for the management of patients with multi-resistant acinetobacter baumanii.
Requirement of the NSW Health and Infection Prevention and Control screening program
Managing patients with MRSA within SCH.
To guide clinicians on the appropriate management of these specialised infants
To outline the operational process for escalation and management when NSW Police are required to attend a facility of SCHN
Define the procedure and management for collecting specimens for pathological respiratory testing.
procedure for safely suctioning the pharyngeal cavity via the nasal or oral route.
To inform clinicinans of the assessment of infants with NAS and the pharmalogical management
To assist staff with the principles of neonatal ventilation, and a practical guideline on how to ventilate the neonate.
To outline the general requirments and considerations for the retrieval of the neonate from its current location to a centre of definitive care.
This document provides information on the investigation, treatment and management of nephrotic syndrome in children at initial presentation and in relapse of the condition. The guideline applies to children with typical idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. The guideline may not be relevant to the management of children with atypical presentations and does not apply to children with congenital nephrotic syndrome, steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome secondary to other systemic disease (e.g. SLE) or other structural glomerular disease (e.g. Alport Syndrome).
Guideline for Emergency Staff for neurology consultations
To aid/guide health professionals to identify potential problems associated with neurovascular status
To link with the Western Sydney Local Area Health screening team as part of the state-wide hearding screening program. They will be comming into Grace to undertake the screening and feedback
Guidelines for using inhaled nitric oxide in PICU
Provide information for SCH staff on the use of nitrous oxide for sedation.
• The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN) is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of every child and young person that we provide care for. • SCHN is a “No Hit Zone”, an environment where no adult shall hit a child or another adult, and no child shall hit another child or an adult.
Legislative requirement - WHS Improved staff safety
Guidance for antibiotic management of Non-CF bronchiectasis exacerbations
To facilitate safe administration of non-invasive ventilation in the PICU using a variety of interfaces and devices.
• provide managers with procedural support to manage workers who have a non-work related injury or health condition.
To provide guidelines for facilitating least-restrictive care for inpatient children and young people who have co-morbid intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder.
To assist with the management of children with Norovirus gastroenteritis
This document details the Children’s Hospital at Westmead (CHW) Pathology Department process for the management and communication of high-risk (critical) laboratory results.
To decrease incidents of patients admitted to the operating suite without a valid consent
- Standarised procedure alongside National Standards - Safety to protect employees/patients and the organisation from complications of procedure
To advise the correct procedure for calling paediatric recovery staff in when need to recover patients post operatively
SCHN is implementing a low risk febrile neutropenia management program allowing patients to be treated in the home. The program will be offered to patients of the Kids Cancer Centre at SCH and Centre for Children's Cancer at CHW allowing patients to be treated in the home. This document supports the assessment of initial suitability of the patient for home care, risk stratification and eligibility for home based care based on a clinical decision rule (AUS-Rule) tool to predict low risk patients suitability for home management.
Provide initial management plan for oncology/transplant patients.
To decrease the number of children receiving nasogastric or intravenous fluid therapy resulting in a decreased need for admission and unnecessary intervention. • To utilise waiting times effectively and commence oral rehydration treatment in those children with vomiting and / or diarrhoea at the time of triage where appropriate • To demonstrate and educate parents/ carers on the purpose of commencing oral rehydration in the waiting room prior to medical assessment and to encourage them to document progress. • To maintain ongoing observation and assessment of those children receiving oral rehydration. • To ensure children who present to the emergency department with vomiting and/or diarrhoea are considered for a trial of oral fluids before medical assessment providing they meet the inclusion criteria
Provide information and guidence for organ and tisue donation via a circulatory death pathway
Guide clinical staff in the process of identification and management of the potential brain dead organ donor
To provide guidance to clinical staff who are caring for patients potentially exposed to organophosphates/carbamates.
To provide health professionals caring for children with external fixations with the appropriate information to achieve the optimal outcomes for these children
The application and management of orthopaedic traction in SCHN facilities is a safe and consistent manner.
Procedure for stoma care.
management of child presenting to the ED with otitis media.
• Ensure the safety of all users. • Ensure the equipment and natural landscape is maintained. • Promote understanding of the outdoor and play spaces and how they can meet patient and family needs. • Inform users of the purpose of the outdoor and play spaces - providing an alternate setting free from procedures, which can motivate rehabilitation, enhance relaxation and stimulate the senses.
To guide outpatient clinic users of the correct process for cancelling or rescheduling outpatient clinics
• This document provides referrers to SCH Physiotherapy Outpatient Department with information regarding: o Accepted referral sources o Eligibility criteria o Models of care including priority grouping o Discharge, review and re-entry criteria
establish clear guidelines for the appropriate use of pulse oximetry monitoring of patients and the associated procedure for its application.
To guide the practice and proceedures undertaken in the provision of cardiopulmonary bypass at CHW.
To identify patients with community acquired pneumonia presenting to the Emergency Dept who are well enough to receive intravenous antibiotic therapy at home in specific circumstances. These patients could be directly transferred from ED to HITH avoiding inpatient beds all together.
To assist physiotherapists in the management of children with conversion disorders.
Describe COVID-19 process and response plan for PICU
To identify patients with limb cellulitis presenting to the Emergency Dept who are well enough to receive intravenous antibiotic therapy at home in specific circumstances. These patients could be directly transferred from ED to HITH avoiding inpatient beds all together.
These guidelines are intended to provide clinically relevant information to help hospital staff optimise analgesia for infants and children who are in pain.
To provide specific guidelines for the assessment and management of pain in neonates
A document to provide a guideline for safe administration of intravenous opioid analgesia (fentanyl and oxycodone) to patients in the immediate post operative setting in recovery ward (Middleton,Todman & K block PACU)
The information contained within the policy outlines roles, responsibilities and boundaries of SCHN Palliative Care offsite volunteers who will be supporting families primarily in their homes.
Administration of Paracetamol to children presenting to ED
Safe prescribing and administration of paracetamol, signs and monitoring of adverse events.
Nurse Initiated Medication for Paracetamol
To provide guidance for the assessment and safe management of (suspected) paracetamol overdoses in children.
This document is a clinical practice guideline for registered caring for patients receiving a ketamine infusion and medical staff prescribing a ketamine infusion.
Guideline developed to give information for staff providing clinical care to inpatients requiring parenteral nutrition at the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
To ensure clear guideline exist for having a parent stay by the bedside in a secured inpatient unit.
Is to provide a guideline on how to assess parents with deteriorating mental state - the document will highlight the referral process, assessment and pathways post assessment
Practice guideline to support a model of care
To outline the requirements for consumer engagement and partnerships across SCHN To outline the onboarding and remuneration processes for patient, family and community representatives.
Create a policy and reference material for physiotherapy management of patella dislocations.
To standardise processes for admission, assessment, clinical management and discharge of infants referred to The Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care (GCNIC) CHW for closure of a haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus.
Statement of hospital policy on requirements for consultation with pathology laboratories prior to initiating some investigations
To detail the minimum requirements for labelling of pathology specimens and the minimum information required for a pathology request (electronic or paper).
To provide information regarding the food and nutrition policy for the Patient Meal Service.
How to dose medications based on patients' weight
To establish the processes for the use of disposable privacy curtains around bed unit and clinics
To provide guidelines for identification and management of pelvic fractures in emergency department
Bleomycin is a chemotherapy agent that is commonly used off-label for sclerotherapy of low-flow vascular malformations in children. This is a well recognized off-label indication for the use of bleomycin. Because the medicine has potential significant side effects on the lungs, a dedicated protocol is necessary to ensure appropriate dosage, handling, administration, and safety precautions are used in the SCHN.
Guide medical and nursing staff in the care of patients undergoing percutaneous liver biopsy
Guide management of patients requiring renal biopsy
Adherence to the wearing of perioperative attire
This document is for staff to have appropriate guidelines when dealing with Hyperdermic Intra-Peritoneal Chemotherapy [HIPEC] in the operating suite. This guideline facilitates optimal patient care for patients and staff dealing with cytotoxic drugs involved in performing HIPEC surgery. This includes outlining staffing requirements and the necessary equipment.
The purpose of this document is for intraoperative nurses to refer and comply with the mandatory documentation for patients undergoing surgery/procedures within CHW operating suite and outlying areas.
to guide the management of children presenting with periorbital or orbital cellulitis presenting to the CHW Emergency Dept
Provide safe instructions for the insertion of intravenous cannulation, venipuncture and their management.
Process for peripheral nerve stimulation (train-of-four) monitoring in CICU.
To standardize antibiotic use (oral) and intramuscular for MCU. The policy will describe appropriate dosing, timing and choice of periprocedural antibiotics and make recommendations about which select patients may require additional IM antibiotics. This should reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics in accordance with antibiotic stewardship whilst reducing potential adverse events (eg UTI) from MCU's.
Guidelines for Peritoneal Dialysis following Congenital Heart Surgery
To provide clinical staff with step by step instructions on how to care for an established peritoneal dialysis (Tenckhoff) catheter
Guide management of patients presenting with peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis.
To provide clear guidelines for use of mobile phones and/or other personal communication devices by people who are admitted to the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (SCHN) Mental Health Units (MHU).
To minimise the risk of infection to staff and reduce the risk of cross infection to patients and others
Guide clinicians in the management of pertussis in the Emergency department.
This guideline will assist clinicians in preparing a patient with developmental disability and/or significant behavioural issues for medical investigations and procedures
- Promoting safe use of phenytoin sodium. - Preventing adverse outcomes of IV administration.1, 3 - Raising awareness of monitoring and drug interaction issues.
This policy sets out the minimum compliance requirements for the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (SCHN) in regards to photography, film and video recordings
Phototherapy is the primary treatment for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in neonates. Level and rate of rise of serum bilirubin, gestational age, birth weight, postnatal age and the underlying cause of hyperbilirubinemia are all taken into consideration when determining the need for phototherapy.
The purpose of this document is to inform clinical staff and switchboard staff regarding on call physiotherapy and call-back policy.
To inform hospital staff of provision of after hours physiotherapy services and how to access these.
Parent resource material
To define the procedures for children presenting to the emergency department with injuries potentially requiring plastic surgery intervention
To safely administer Plerixafor
Procedure for staff when police wish to make enquiries or need to have access to patients.
To provide SCHN staff with a standardised approval process and document development / review framework. This framework is to be used only for the development and review of Policies, Procedures, Practice Guidelines, Homecare Guidelines, Standing Orders, Nurse Initiated Medications and Drug Protocols and Disaster/Emergency Response Plans at SCHN.
A practice guideline for nurses providing clinical care to the postoperative patient and families within Todman PACU and Block K paediatric PACU
To guide application of the A-WPTAS protocol and inform management plans for ongoing care/discharge
Guide the appropriate prophylaxis and management of post-operative nausea and vomiting in children.
Inform clinical staff of the safe management of potassium replacement therapy across the SCHN
Guide for spinal care for patients with scoliosis, kyphosis, spinal stenosis or other defects.
To ensure best practice for children who are fasting preoperatively.
A guideline for staff to prepare a patient for surgery
Provide paediatric context to the state Pressure Injury and Prevention Policy. To update the SCHN policy to reflect the changes in the newly published CEC policy
This document provides practical guidance for the management of procedural sedation and analgesia for therapeutic and diagnostic procedures in ward areas of the hospitals.
This guideline is a coversheet to the NSW Health Paediatric Procedural Sedation - Guide for Emergency Departments, Wards, Clinics and Imaging guideline, and also contains local information pertinent to SCH and CHW emergency departments. It specifies the options and procedures for Analgesia and various forms of sedation within the ED.
Procurement within the network
To provide essential information for the use of protective eyewear, cleaning, disinfection and safety rules
Outlines how children in Out Of Home Care will be prioritised to receive a health service at SCHN.
This document provides details of the procedures to be followed when a mental health patient needs to be transferred from the Emergency Department of one hospital in SCHN to the acute psychiatric inpatient unit of the other hospital in SCHN.
Update the SCHN policy as NSW Health has published a revised version and new legislation 2022.
To inform staff the correct ways to submit a request for a publication to be created.
Appropriate management of neonatal seizure and administration of pyridoxal 5-phosphate.
To outline the process for initiating, documenting and approving Quality Improvement activities.
This plan is a guide for workers involved, directly or indirectly, with the use of ionising radiation apparatus and / or radioactive materials.
To guide nurses and anaesthetists working in recovery in giving adequate and safe doses of pain medication.
To provide information to managers and supervisors about recruitment, selection and appointment of non medical staff in line with the NSW Health Policy Directive: PD2017_040 Recruitment and Selection of Staff to the NSW Health Service.
To guide clinicians on the process of recycling stoma losses in neonates following surgery
To provide guidance to clinical staff on the prevention and management of refeeding syndrome for inpatients across SCH and CHW. A previous policy was rescinded and there is now no policy available on the intranet for the management of refeeding syndrome across a range of clinical areas. The Eating Disorder Emergency Department Guideline is only applicable to patients with an eating disorder, however refeeding syndrome can occur in other patients. Dietitians frequently are asked for guidance from medical staff on treating refeeding syndrome.
This is a document discussing the appropriate referral pathway and initial management of antenatally diagnosed renal abnormalities
This document will make clear how SCHN sees & situates Reflective Clinical Supervision (RCS) as it applies to all staff. It will also specify the optimal conditions under which RCS will operate within the Network, how to access the RCS service and who are the people to approach in case of challenges or questions.
To provide information on Rehabilitation, Recovery and Return to Work
To provide information on management of a child undergoing a renal biopsy to medical and nursing staff
Provide guidance for the admission and medical management of children who are undergoing kidney transplantation at Sydney Children's Hospital.
Define cleaning and sterilisation processes for Reusable Medical devices.
To have a clear procedure for the arranging, checking in, storage and processing of loan sets.
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for the pre- and post-award management of research grants submitted by and/or awarded to, SCHN affiliated Investigators . The management of grants submitted and/or awarded for the conduct of commercially sponsored research, for the purposes of service provision, and/or the provision of funds from philanthropic trusts and foundations not related to research, is outside the scope of this procedure. Adherence to this procedure will ensure: * The competitiveness of grant applications via expert review of content , and verification of compliance with the funding rules and/or application guidelines for the relevant funding scheme; * An accurate and complete record of applications submitted and/or awarded is maintained by the Research Office to enable the generation of performance metrics, as well as leverage capacity building opportunities and other funding opportunities ; and * Appropriate stewardship of public and other resources whereby funding is used ‘for purpose’ and the receipt, investment and expenditure of funds complies with NSW Accounts and Audit Determinations for Public Health Organisations.
To outline the processes to be undertaken in the case of potential breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Provide standardised steps to address Work Health and Safety issues internally, and then externally where appropriate.
To provide guidance for Registered nurses caring for infants on Bubble CPAP
To guide local practice for neonates who require resiratory support
To document clinical guidelines for the retrieval to tertiary level care of preterm neonates of extremely low weight at birth.
The policy adopts the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, second edition and the Rights of Children and Young People in Healthcare Services in Australia. These charters provide a framework to help empower children and young people, and their families and carers to understand what they can expect from us, and the staff caring for them.
NSW Ministry of Health has updated its Policy Directive for Enterprise-wide risk managment which describes the requirements for NSW Health organisations to establish, maintain and monitor risk management practices in accord with the Australian/New Zealand Standard ISO 31000:2018, consistent with whole of Government policies. SCHN has developed a risk management framework to align with the NSW Health's policy directive. SCHN has consulted with the Board and the framework now includes reference to Board's risk appetite which links to SCHN strategic objectives.
Develop a clear and structured approach to the interpretation of Rotem data integrated with a clear and structured management plan based upon the data
To outline the procedure for administration of Technetium-Ceretech (SPECT) on the Neurology Ward by an accredited Registered Nurse for patients with intractable seizures.
Assist clinicians to introduce new interventional procedures by providing a standard process for the assessment and approval of such procedures. The intention is that patients, clinicians and managers will be confident that any interventional procedure that is introduced is supported by evidence of efficacy, safety and effective resource utilisation, and can be safely performed given the available resources.
Support safe prescribing for Medical Officers
Transportation of patients outside of the PICU is a hazardous time for patient safety. It requires appropriately trained staff with essential equipment & knowledge of the patient and transportation systems along with careful planning and communication within the team to allow for minimal risk and maximum safety for the patient during transport. This practice guideline outlines the key points and processes for safe transport of PICU patients within CHW.
This Guideline provides procedural guidance on the safe use of sensory equipment and sensory rooms at the Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick + Westmead. It will provide information on cleaning, storage, safe usage and maintenance of sensory equipment, as well as the therapeutic use of such equipment and sensory rooms.
To provide guidance and instruction on how to develop a safe work practice and responsibilities with regard to safe work practices
To provide guidance to staff for the safety and well being of paediatric patients in SCHN hospitals.
To provide clear instructions for WHS incident management documentation (via Iims+) and the requirements to notify SafeWork NSW
This document will be an update providing guidelines for the use of seclusion and restraint for young people in the mental health setting.
Standardised approach to emergency management of children presenting to emergency department with secondary haemorrhage after adenoid and tonsillectomy surgery. This will involve administration of haemostatic medication Tranexamic acid, antibiotics and observation in the hospital. The guideline will provide specific advice to be handed out to patients and families, guidance for acute management for junior medical officers and standardized approach for inpatient management.
To provide a detailed process should an emergency arise which requires a total or partial lockdown of the Hospital
Guideline to terminate seizures in children rapidly, efficiently and safely.
- To facilitate the safe and effective management of children experiencing seizures. - To facilitate the effective management of status epilepticus. - To facilitate the safe and effective administration of acute antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). - To guide staff and enable them to assist the parent/carer in seizure management education, and adequately prepare families for discharge from hospital
To outline the pre and post operative management of a child with cerebral palsy undergoing single level selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) procedure at CHW
• Understand the procedure for when employees are separating from Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN). • Ensure employees and managers are aware of the documentation required, notice periods, and responsibilities when facilitating the separation of an employee from SCHN. • Aware of the various types of ‘separation’ and associated NSW Health Policies.
Management of a patient with a servere traumatic head injury.
To assist in the placement and care of children with shingles and minimise the risk of exposure to non-immune patients, visitors and personnel.
• Provide managers and employees with information about sick leave entitlements. • Provide managers and employees with the process for managing unsatisfactory sick leave. • Provide managers with sick leave management procedures to be applied consistently, fairly and in a supportive way to all employees. • Provide templates to support managers when managing unsatisfactory sick leave. • This document should be read in conjunction with the NSW Health Policy Directive PD2018_036 Leave Matters for the NSW Health Service and relevant industrial instruments and legislation.
To advise nursing staff of the medications that may be administered and checked by a single nurse
To educate staff on the effective use of the ward sleep trolley. To provide staff with a resource for problem solving.
Define admission, discharge and operation of the SCH sleep unit.
To provide clinicians with specific guidance for caring for infants less than 1000g
To implement the NSW Health Department Smoke Free Workplace Policy, limit exposure to staff, visitors and patients and promote the Hospitals as being smoke-free facilities.
To provide clinical practice information and guidance on providing smoking cessation interventions in the healthcare setting
The purpose of this document is to outline recommendations for prophylaxis against Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in children with a history of snail or slug ingestion.
To provide guidance in the use of social media platforms
To provide information about the OnCall service provided by the Social Work Department including the criteria for call backs.
Presents basic clinical practice guidelines for the acute management of a sore throat.
A guideline for speciality anaesthetics and the equipment that is needed
Inform staff of correct specimen delivery techniques and management of formalin spills.
To guide physicians in the appropriate management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax
To guide physiotherapists in the procedure to follow to collect induced sputum samples for suspected TB.
To assist managers in the maintenance of the staff establishment for the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN) and to outline the required approval process to alter a department’s staffing profile in accordance with the processes, business guidelines and decision points for different scenarios
Allocation of staff parking
Guide clinicians in the appropriate use of developmental assessments
To provide a procedure for the safe storage, handling and transportation of medical gases
The purpose of this document is to enable Clinicians in all areas of both hospitals to have a clear and succinct process to enable swift action in escalation and treatment processes for the child that is suffering from an acute Stroke that ensures the best possible health outcomes for the child. Currently within the network there is a published guideline for this process within the Emergency Department that encompasses both campuses but there is no network wide policy that encompasses best practice for the child irrespective of location.
To provide an overview of the governance and processes for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking a clinical placement within an SCHN facility. This policy reflects the local implementation of the Clinical Placements in NSW Health PD 2022_049
This document provides definitions of legal words and phrases, outlines legal processes and proceedings that can involve the Hospital, explains what staff should do when faced with a Summons, a Subpoena or a Statement of Claim, explains Indemnity, and outlines support and counselling mechanisms for staff who become involved in legal proceedings.
Oral administration of sucrose is a safe and effective form of analgesia for single event, short duration procedures. This document provides practice guidelines for sucrose administration.
To provide guidelines for the oral and nasopharyngeal suctioning of a child in the home setting.
To outline the support available to staff who are carers
This document will provide a framework for considering fundraising requests and initiatives of other charities within the Hospital. This will enable staff assess the appropriateness of supporting other charities in their department or area of work and also the appropriate level of support.
For clinicians to use as an education tool with families whose children have newly inserted supra-pubic catheters to inform them about the ongoing care needs related to the care of the supra-pubic catheter, and instructions on how to correctly replace the catheters.
To define the correct procedure so that a SPA can be performed safely in infants less than age 2 years.
To streamline management of foreign body and button battery ingestion in the SCHN.
Procedure to confirm the diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
The complex pain service at CHW has commenced a day program for adolescents with persisting pain. The guideline defines the program, including the aim of the program, staffing, numbers, location, inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Provide guidance to clinical staff in utilisation of targeted temperature control as a clinical management strategy
Taurolock is a medication that is being used to instill within the dead space of a central venous catheter when locking the device post cares. It is a medication to maintain line patency by reducing CVAD-related infections and occlusion. Nurse will be allowed to initiate the medication and instill and sign off on the Electronic Medical Record and notification will be sent the medical officer and signs off on the order.
To facilitate staff in caring for newborns with HIE in providing therapeutic and safe hypothermia
To guide practice for neonatal care in Grace Centre for Newborn Care
To provide a governance framework for Third Party individuals/organisiations accessing Hospitals in SCHN and therefore patients and families. The framework includes approval processes and conduct expectations.
Outline the approach to tick removal in the Emergency Department
This document provides an operational outline of how tissue donation can be facilitated at SCHN
To provide guidelines for management of patients undergoing total pancreatectomy and islet autotranplantation procedures.
Reference for common and important presentations to hospital with paediatric poisoning and envenomation.
Current practice has changed for administering nebulised Hypertonic Saline via tracheostomy. Updated current information is required to advise staff of this.
To outline the principles of management of children with a new or existing tracheostomy for clinicians
Provides clinical management of a paediatric patient with a newly formed tracheostomy in the immediate postoperative period and ongoing care in CICU
To outline all aspects of transfer and transport of children within the SCHN
To provide guidelines to support staff in appropriate transfers of cardiac patients to other facilities which include: Tasks to be completed prior to transfer, including the development of a checklist. Criteria to identify safe mode of transfer and the level of care required. Criteria of "Safe to Fly" and approval process Outline of the documentation required to complete prior to transfer
To guide practice for using equipment and procedure for transferring infants out of Grace Centre for Newborn Care
To provide up to date guidelines on the current practice surrounding blood transfusion mangement as well as provide the legislative requirements set out by NSW Health.
To provide the framework to plan the transition of young people with a chronic condition into the adult health care system. In addition, this document will outline the purpose, function (including referrals, discharge, triage), models of care, key KPI's etc. of Trapeze as a transition service to decrease variation in the service and improve transparency in service function.
This document provides an overview of the policies and procedures for the participants of SCHN Transition to Professional Practice programs. The document provides guidelines for the standardised approaches for participants, Nurse Managers and Nurse Educators across the SCHN
To provide procedure and information for staff which assists them to produce high quality translations for the Network.
Guideline for the management of transposition of the great arteries with an intact septum in Neonates.
To expedite transfer of the critically injured and unstable child to operating theatres as quickly as possible
To expedite transfer of a moderate to severe acute traumatic intracranial injury to neuroimaging and possible emergency life-saving surgery.
To facilitate the appropriate ED responce for the child with traumatic injuries presenting to the emergency department.
To standardise and streamline the process of trauma admission to CHW and the process for transfer of care from trauma to sub-specialty teams.
Guidelines for the managment of severe traumatic brain injury.
To provide guidelines on management of traumatic brain injury patients in CICU. No current document exists at SCH.
To ensure a consistent approach to patients who present to emergency with a traumatic cardiac arrest
Guideline for the management of child with trauma presentation.
This document describes the process for the triage and transfer of patients between the Sydney Children’s Hospital (SCH) Emergency Department (ED) and the Prince of Wales Hospital (POW) ED.
To provide specific guidelines for management of infants with Pierre-Robin Sequence with TÜBINGEN PALATAL PLATE (TPP)
To manage the diabetic child during episodes of fasting and surgery without adverse events.
To ensure safe and rational utilization of the NETS portable ultrasound scanner
Provide clinical guidance to staff on aspects of management required when caring for neonate with umbilical catheter in-situ
Appendicectomy patients were noted in our NSQIP data to have post-operative complications and to have a longer length of stay than our international counterparts. We process mapped our appendicectomy care and compared this with best practices. There were some areas that needed improvement. A Guideline was designed with input from all general surgeons across the Network. Nursing staff need a formal document outlining these practice changes.
To assist clinicians to provide a safe and drug free environment for patients. Assist clinicians in managing possession of unidentified, illicit substances during admission
Provides details for the provision of uniforms for staff that are required to wear a uniform, detail requirements for ID badges and to promote code of dress and appearance that is consistent with SCHN professional standards.
To describe the process for the use of the Blood Esky for Trauma Attend patients presenting to the ED and for use in Cardiac Cath Lab and Interventional Radiology lab at CHW.
To guide clinical practice for newborns regarding genito-urinary care in Grace Centre for Newborn Care
Identification, management and follow-up of simple Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infection is a common complication associated with urinary diversions such as a vesicostomy and ileal conduit. Aim to obtain a sterile specimen of urine for culture and sensitivity so that appropriate antibiotic treatment, should that be necessary, can be determined.
To guide practice when carrying out the rather infrequent process of initating Vacuum Assisted Venous Drainage.
Updates the guidelines for the use of vancomycin
To guide clinicians on the safe and effective use of vancomycin
To manage patients with VRE and prevent transmission within the hospital
This policy details measures required to minimise the acquisition and transmission of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)
Provide guidelines for safe care of vascath insertion, managment and removal.
To guide clinical staff for the management of vascular injuries resulting from trauma caused in hospital or out of hospital.
Safe administration and support the appropriate prescribing of venom immunotherapy at SCHN
venous thromboprophylaxis guidelines for the surgical service
To provide additional risk management for care of patients admitted for VideoEEG Telemetry who may be at increased risk of prolonged seizures due to withholding of AEDs or who have a known history of prolonged seizures.
Guidance to clinicians for Vitamin D therapy.
This Procedure defines the processes within SCHN for engaging, supporting and managing volunteers, maintaining compliance with NSW Health policy.
Outlines the admission criteria to Wade Wade Adolescent Unit at The Children's Hospital at Westmead (CHW).
To give guidance on prescribing warfarin and its administration.
Policy on Waste Management through the reduction of waste, recycling, safe handling and environmental sound practice.
To provide policy and processes for authroisation of SCHN owned web pages and the review of web pages plus associated responsibilities.
New policy is required to reflect NSW Government changes digital, brand and cyber security.
The Purpose of this document is to have consistent and clear guidance accross SCHN for the process and criteria for admission to HITH service for patients requiring wet dressings for dermatological conditions, HITH treatment Plan, wet dressing Equipment and procedure, education tools required to aid and support parents and development of an exclusion criteria
To ensure compliance with WHS Legislation and give procedural guidance for Contractors
To ensure that all are aware of the need for workplace inspections and the procedure related to WHS workplace inspections
To identify those areas that require maintenance services at an acknowledged height as per Australian Standards that work can be carried out as a safe work practice.
Guidelines on the effective wound assessment and management at SCHN.
Clinical guideline to describe a buckle and other types of wrist fractures and the appropriate ED managment including indications for the application of splints.